Indermit Gill, AM'85 PhD'89 |
On Monday, February 25 (originally posted as Tuesday, Feb 26), the Chicago Economics Society welcomes distinguished alumnus and speaker, Indermit Gill, AM'85 PhD'89.
Cost: 15.00; Lunch is included CLICK HERE TO REGISTER [Admin: create ticket/s in store]
NOTE: THE DATE OF THIS EVENT IS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 (moved from Tuesday, February 26)
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Europe has been getting bad press. The Greeks and the Italians have been excoriated for endangering the euro. Iceland, Ireland, and Spain have been criticized for reckless financial policies. Endless summitry in Brussels has not helped - indeed, it sometimes seems that Europe's own stewards do not fully appreciate the achievements of its economic model, of the project they are trying to nurture back to health. Meanwhile, Europe is increasingly seen by Americans and Asians as sluggish, even spoilt. Europe accounts for more than a quarter of the world's output and half of the global trade, so the region's growth prospects are everybody's concern.
What's in store for Europe? Based on policy research done at the World Bank (available at www.worldbank.org/goldengrowth) over the last two years, Indermit Gill will present a report card on the European economy. The grades might surprise you.
Indermit Gill, AM'85 PhD'89, is the chief economist for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank. Before this, he has worked in East Asia and Latin America. He directed the 2009 World Development Report, Reshaping Economic Geography, and is a principal author of several reports including Golden Growth: Restoring the Luster of the European Economic Model; An East Asian Renaissance; and Keeping the Promise of Social Security in Latin America.
Registration Options:
UChicago alumni and friends who have aready logged in to UChicagoDC.org: Please register through this website.
UChicago alumni and friends who have NOT yet logged in to UChicagoDC.org: Enter your preferred email address and follow the steps to set your password. But, if your preferred email address does not work, select the link that reads, "CLICK HERE to provide additional information" to create an account. The account will be activated within 1 (one) business day. Upon activation, please log-in to complete your purchase.
General public and those experiencing difficulty registering online: Please call 773.702.5646 to register. If your call is routed to voicemail, please leave your name and number and we will call you back to complete your registration.
Question?: Contact Lucie Sandel at or 773.702.5646
Event Information
EVENT DATE: Monday, Feb 25 2013 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm [ iCal ]
LOCATION: International Monetary Fund 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue HQ 2 Washington, DC
Look Who's Coming:
Guest of Rose Ijaz
Helen Allen
Janina Botting
Stephen Breinig Altegrity
David Bridgeland
Christopher Brown
Nathaniel Butler
Jorge Canales-Kriljenko
Kevin Cheng
Warren Coats IMF
Lia Cruz IMF
Marc DeFrancis
David Dunn
Edward Eagles
Manuel Felix
Marco Fiaccadori Deloitte Tax, LLP
Jorge Garcia-Garcia World Bank
Claudio Garcia-Verdu
Ana Gonzalez-Barrera
Don Griswold Crowell & Moring LLP
Rose Ijaz
Franz Jaggar
Lester Johnson
Venera Jordan Liquidity Services Inc
V. Juan-Ramon
Jeffrey Lam
Robert Manogue
Maria Mendez Cintron IMF
David Mitch
Louis Perwien
Kate Richardson Axiom Consulting Partners
Ruwan Salgado
Lucie Sandel
Jose Sokol
Robert Stalder Gartner
Federico Temerlin Soler
Kenichi Ueda IMF
Francisco Vazquez-Grande Federal Reserve Board
Xin Zhou
... a total of 41 guests.