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Frequently Asked Questions...

What is is the new alumni website for the University of Chicago Alumni Club of the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The website contains information about local (and some national) events and allows you to register for those events. It allows you to access and utilize the local community by posting about jobs and asking questions or providing information in the Forums section.This access is especially useful for advance writing essay because it allows you to collect relevant data for statistics, which is an important element of any written work.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.


Who has access to  The DC Club is a community of UChicago alumni, friends, and family in the Washington, DC area. Please learn more about our mission in the “About Us” tab above. The public only has access to the Web site's home page. To gain access to another tab, the user must first log into the Web site. While alumni family members may have access to a majority of the tabs, alumni and staff are the only individuals with access to the community directory.


What is the University of Chicago Alumni Club of Washington, DC?  The DC Club is a community of UChicago alumni in the Washington, DC area. Please learn more about our mission in the “About Us” tab above. 


How can I stay informed about the DC Club and alumni activities?  That’s easy! Just register on our home page and fill out a profile. You can sign-up to receive bi-weekly email updates on events occuring in community and/or check back as often as you like to learn about new events.  In addition, the DC club sends out periodic brochures to the local community on the upcoming events. If you register with a local address, you can start receiving the brochures.  Finally, if you are interested in joining a particular "group", such as the Boom to Busters, you may select "join group" to receive email updates related to that specific group. You can opt out of any of these at any time by editing your profile!!!


How can I get more involved in the DC Club?  We are always seeking new members with ideas for activities or who want to take a role in our local alumni community.  If you want to share ideas or vision for the Club or want to help with upcoming events please contact our Communications Chair Ngiste Abebe, AB'09, at [email protected]


What can I do on  This is your one-stop alumni shop! Here you can connect with other alumni, update your information with the University, register for local events, chat on the forums, and read about the experiences of other UChicagoans. It will also provide you with resources and information to get involved, hire interns/externs, and give back.  Consider this the hub of UChicago alumni activity in the DC area!


How do I attend events?  You can register for events directly through the website. Our upcoming events are listed within the “Events” tab above. If you have any problems with or questions about registering please contact staff liasion Mari Meyer at . 


How do I add events?  Email the information to Ngiste Abebe, AB'09, at if you have an alumni event that you would like to post. If you’re interested in organizing or hosting an alumni event but you need some support, get in touch!


What are the forums? It is a message board for the local community. Use it to ask for advice, connect with local alumni, discuss concers, or alter the community to an upcoming event (i.e., are you publishing an article, speaking at an event, or writing a book).


What if I want to contribute to the forum? We are excited hear what you have to say! Either contribute to one of the existing messgae board or start a new discussion under general topics. We simply ask that you be respectful of fellow alumni.  The U of C staff reserve the right to remove any content if necessary.


What are some of the ways alumni have been involved with the DC Club?  Good question!  There are countless ways alumni can get involved with the Club.  It’s all very much what you make of it. Here are just some activities in which local alumni have participated in recent years:

Alumni Schools Committee (ASC). The ASC helps to promote the University of Chicago to prospective applicants to the University. Volunteer alumni assist with undergraduate recruitment and application interviews. It’s a fun way to help both potential students and the University.  You can find additional information at or by emailing the following ASC contacts: for DC residents, contact Libby Pearson, AB’05, at ; for MD residents, contact Chuck Schilke, AB’81, at ; and for VA residents, please contact Mary Tang, AB’00, at .  

Career Panels.  If you have a job, want a job, or think that you might want a better job someday, the UChicago Career Panels may be of interest.  These events are an opportunity to build your professional network and learn from accomplished alumni working in your field.  The DC Club helps to sponsor Career Panels quarterly, and these events appear in the “Upcoming Events” link in the “Events” tab above.  To learn more about these career events or to volunteer to speak on a panel, please contact the DC Club’s career chair Dan Arking, AB’05, at .

Chicago Affinity Groups.  The Alumni Association supports affinity groups based on shared professions, interests, and personal identities. These groups are developing into great ways to build a network of UChicago alumni with a common connection. Affinity groups include the Public Interest Networking Group, the Chicago Women’s Alliance, the LGBT Alumni Group, and the Military Affinity Group.  To learn more, get involved, or to start a new group, please visit or contact the DC Club’s affinity chair Rachel Alper, AB’05, at .

Entrepreneur Advisory Group.  The Entrepreneur Advisory Group meets monthly to help solve an entrepreneur’s pressing business problem. This is a great way to share your insights, connect with the Booth Alumni Club, or pitch your new business plan to fellow alumni.  To learn more about the group, please contact Matt Whitaker, MBA’95, at .

Outdoor Club.  Our Outdoor Club organizes hikes, kayaking trips, and other outdoor activities in the DC area.  Recent activities have included ice skating at the Sculpture Garden, rock climbing in Maryland, and hiking at the Great Falls. If you want to get involved with upcoming activities – including kayaking on the Potomac and hiking Sugarloaf Mountain - contact Laura Onken, AB’09, at .