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BEN DC - Monthly Speaker Series 19 July 2013
Presentation by Kristin Abkemeier, PhD

Cost: 0.00
Registration Required:

Please join us for our next Monthly Speaker Series. Our guest will be one of BEN DC's most active members, Kristin Abkemeier, who holds a PhD from the University and works with some of the cutting-edge electric vehicle technology at the Department of Energy. She'll be updating us on some of the latest progress in adding electric vehicles to the transportation fleet here in the US, sharing data from the Department of Energy's National Laboratories, including Argonne National Laboratory, which is run by the University of Chicago for the Department of Energy.
We are also delighted to host some of the Summer Interns brought to DC by the University's Institute of Politics. We look forward to a lively discussion!

Claiborne Booker, MBA '92 and Tim Webb, MA '92
BEN DC Co-Chairs
Event Contact
Claiborne Booker MBA '92

Staff Liaison
Mari Meyer

Event Information
Friday, Jul 19 2013 at 8:00am - 10:00am [ iCal ]
University of Chicago DC Office
1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC