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  Karen Warren Coleman Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services  

Volunteer Leadership Webinar

Creating an Exemplary Campus and Student Experience Presented by UChicago's Alumni Association Board of Governors

Recently, Karen Warren Coleman, Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services (CSL) for the University of Chicago led a webinar (that was hosted by the Alumni Association Board of Governors) addressing current campus life and UChicago's efforts to identify and develop current/future leaders.

Alumni can access to this presentation by clicking here (

It is a truly exciting and transformative time at the University of Chicago, and Warren Coleman is leading the efforts of many across campus to advance the quality of campus life, the student experience, and students' lifelong affinity to the University. She will highlight for you the breadth of opportunities across campus and student life and her priorities and objectives for these areas.

By joining this conversation with Warren Coleman, you will:

*Gain an insider's view of how student life is being transformed for undergraduate and graduate students alike;
*Learn valuable information you can use in your role as a volunteer leader to tell your fellow UChicago alumni and friends about the progress being made on campus; and,
*And hear how alumni can help contribute to further these initiatives that contribute so significantly to UChicago's extraordinary momentum with current and prospective students.

About Karen Warren Coleman:

Warren Coleman has the overall responsibility for the Office of Campus and Student Life, which has the mission of supporting and enriching the lives of students, faculty, and staff at the University and providing them with an extraordinary campus and community experience. She joined the University of Chicago in 2009 as Associate Vice President for Campus Life and Associate Dean of Students in the University. In that role, she formed partnerships throughout the University and oversaw division-wide strategic initiatives, including a plan to expand undergraduate student housing and the creation of a comprehensive on-campus dining initiative. She also supervised the student housing and dining system, the largest operational unit within the division. This included creating the new UChicago Dining department and facilitating the completion and start-up of the New South Campus Residence Hall and Commons.

The Office of Campus and Student Life comprises more than 340 staff members in several departments, including the Office of the Bursar, the University Community Service Center, Student Disability Services, Emergency and Crisis Resources, the Office of Event Services, the Office of Undergraduate Student Housing, UChicago Dining, the Office of International Affairs, International House, the Office of LGBTQ Student Life, the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, the Office of the Reynolds Club and Student Activities, Physical Education and Athletics, the Office of the Registrar, the Spiritual Life Office, and Student Health and Counseling Services.