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Live Webcast - Chicago Harper Lecture with Emily Oster
  Emily Oster, Associate Professor of Economics at Booth  
Chicago Harper Lecture with Emily Oster: Health Information: Demand and Use

Free; please note the webcast will begin promptly at 8:00pm EST (7:00pm CST)


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As the amount of information available to individuals about their health status grows, important questions arise about whether people really want that information and what they will do with it when they get it. Emily Oster will discuss the demand for and use of health information. Using data on individuals at risk for Huntington's disease, Oster describes patterns in the demand for information and in how economic choices change when people get that information.
Event Contact
Kate Heilman

Staff Liaison
Zach Rus


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Event Information
Thursday, Apr 10 2014 at 8:00pm - 9:30pm [ iCal ]