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BEN DC Monthly Speaker Series
Smart Grid Technologies

Cost: 0.00
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After a hiatus, we're excited to get our Speaker Series rolling again with one of our own, Jagoron Mukherjee. Here's an overview of his talk:

In the last few years, several billions of dollars have been invested in Smart Grid technologies in the US, spurred by the $3.4 billion ARRA grant and matching contribution by the private sector to a total expected amount of $8 billion.

However, there has been several deployment challenges from benefits realization to customer backlash. Since most of the Smart Grid developments in the US and even in the rest of the world have been driven by utilities Smart Grids have been perceived as generally poorly understood, and in many cases as a push by the utility industry onto the customers. Such a push has been viewed with a lack of understanding of the overall strategic purpose, importance and possibilities of a Smart Grid which has also limited their impact and the levels of investment. An alternative approach for effectiveness and realizing the total benefits of a Smart Grid is to go beyond the utility - and view deployment as a part of the overall city strategy in conjunction with the utility strategy. In this presentation we show how such an approach is paving way for a successful Smart Grid deployment in a middle east city and how a top down approach linking city aspirations with utility aspirations can position a city to face its 21st century challenges.
Event Contact
Claiborne Booker MBA'92

Staff Liaison
Mari Meyer

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Event Information
Friday, Apr 18 2014 at 8:00am - 10:00am [ iCal ]
University of Chicago Office of Federal Relations
1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 275
Washington, DC 20006 USA