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UChicago Bridge Club: Bidding 201
Hosted by Chuck Gordon, AB'63, JD'67

Cost: Free 
RSVP Requested
Already know how to count highcard points and what it might mean to open 1-no-trump? Explore a bit more advanced bidding
issues such as opening a weak-2 bid or a borderline hand, raising your partner’s 1-level opening bid, and making a “forcing” bid.
After our discussion, we’ll play. All experience levels are welcome. Even with master points you might learn—or teach us—something!

Register by 3/11 by contacting Chuck directly at .

To join the bridge group's online list, send any message, even a blank one, to [email protected], then reply to the confirmation message. List subscribers get messages about locations, other meeting details, and even occasional bridge-playing tips.

Event Contact
Chuck Gordon, AB'63, JD'67

Staff Liaison
Mari Meyer
[email protected]


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Event Information
Sunday, Mar 15 2015 at 6:00pm - 9:30pm [ iCal ]
Home of Chuck Gordon, AB'63, JD'67
8808 Blue Smoke Dr.
Gaithersburg, MD
[ Get Directions ]