The Past, Present, and Future of Special Drawing Rights |
IMF Special Drawing Rights |
Defining the International Monetary Fund's role in financial stability and international development
Cost: $18
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The Chicago Economics Society is proud to host two distinguished Chicago Economics PhD
alumni who, as employees of the IMF, have played a direct role in the development of the IMF’s primary
unit of account. Topics will include the past and future role of SDRs in international development and global
financial stability, as well as the implications of the Chinese Yuan’s inclusion in the basket of major
currencies that determine the value of SDRs. Q&A to follow.
Thomas Krueger
Dr. Krueger joined the IMF in 1988 and has worked mainly in Area
Departments, advising member countries on macroeconomic policies
and the financial sector; and the Research Department, monitoring the
global economy and the economies and policies of member countries.
Since 2009, he has been Deputy Director in the Finance Department and
in this role, among others, has been closely involved in the IMF's work on
the SDR. A German national, Dr. Krueger holds a PhD in Economics from
the University of Chicago.
Warren Coats
Dr. Coats retired from the International Monetary Fund in 2003 as Assistant
Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, where he led
technical assistance missions to more than twenty countries. Prior to that he
served as visiting economist to the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, and to the World Bank, and was Assistant Prof of
Economics at UVa from 1970-75. He was chief of the Operations Division
for SDRs in the Finance Department from 1982 – 1988. He was a director
of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority 2003 - 2010. His most recent
book, One Currency for Bosnia: Creating the Central Bank of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, chronicles his experience in setting up the central bank of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr. Coats holds a PhD in Economics from the
University of Chicago.
Event Information
Friday, Feb 19 2016 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm [ iCal ]
International Monetary Fund HQ2
1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC